Beautiful Moms with their New Baby. Nina Drapacz Photography

These gorgeous moms were ready to go when I arrived. The baby had just finished her bottle and wide awake but very calm and curious. She was an ideal newborn, both when she was awake and when she was sleeping.. I was able to do a large variety of photos of her and her parents. Not a peep in two hours and she was adorable! Each mom had something from their childhood, they hoped to include in the session. A baby blanket from one parent and stuffed animals from the other,. As if it could get better, she smiled in her chair at the finale!

Mom, Baby and Baby Nurse by Nina Drapacz Photography

When I arrived at this newborn’s apartment, I was greeted by her mom. The baby nurse was busy getting her ready. The baby nurse was full of creative ideas for this newborn girl and with her patience and swaddling talent we were set!. I could’nt have pulled off the shelf idea without her!

A Studio Session On Location. Nina Drapacz Photography

She’s 8 months old and just started sitting on her own. I brought a simple piece of black vevet, the rest was a matter of capturing her personality. I love photographing babies in their natural surroundings at home but i felt like the simple black background provided the viewer with less distraction and more focus on the facial expressions.

Charlie is Two Months Old! Nina Drapacz Photography

My granddaughter Charlie. I try to take my camera everytime I see her. My son tells me to just relax and not to feel the need to photograph her everytime. There is such a joy in capturing her evolving personality and to know she is my grandchild!

Family Photography on Location by Nina Drapacz Photography

There’s nothing more rewarding than a family who is relaxed and excited about creative images. The baby had only taken half his normal nap so I needed to work quickly before his short window was up. Thanks to his big brother’s patience and his easy going parents we ended up with some memorable unique images!

Baby with His Parents in Tribecca. Nina Drapacz Photography

Four months old and quite adorable. This little one with his perfect round head and sturdy body didnt cry once until the very end, he was tired of all the entertainment! Dad had a walrus stuffed animal when he was the same age that he had saved all these years to give to his child….yep he inisited on includingit! The baby loves it!