Indoor Newborn Session During Covid. Nina Drapacz Photography

I was contacted by a new mom who had just delivered a week before to schedule my first indoor session during this time. I came wearing two masks. The parents couldn’t have be more chill or easier to work with! Their space had wonderful light and good locations to put newborns. The bonus was a sweet beautiful baby who slept the entire session!

Baby with His Parents in Tribecca. Nina Drapacz Photography

Four months old and quite adorable. This little one with his perfect round head and sturdy body didnt cry once until the very end, he was tired of all the entertainment! Dad had a walrus stuffed animal when he was the same age that he had saved all these years to give to his child….yep he inisited on includingit! The baby loves it!

Special Delivery, Under 48 Hours by Nina Drapacz Photography

The only mom to date who said to me giving birth was easy! This was her second, so usually a bit easier however she claimed the first was easy as well. After knocking on hundreds of doors to see new moms, this mom was a first in claiming natural childbirth wasn't so painful! The first baby slept through the entire session with another photographer years ago, this one was adorable but not easy.

Newborn Baby AND The Only Boy of 5 ! Under 48 Hours by Nina Drapacz Photography.

A "huge" treat to find this chubby little baby born at 10.5 pounds and 36 hours old! He was an adorable sleepy bundle of baby and the only boy in a family with four girls all under the age of 6! The fifth child and according to mom, maybe not the last as he will need a brother....Oh those cheeks!

All my props worked with this big guy. He was so sturdy and content. This session was on the hospital bed using 6:30 pm soft window light.


Born at 3 lbs, this Gorgeous 5 month old had her First Photo Shoot! Nina Drapacz Photography

Her mom reached out for a photography session expressing she waited until now because she was born premature. She arrived with mom a few days ago on a beautiful early evening in her comfortable snuggly. She hadn't been outdoors for more than a few hours at a time so this was new for her. She was the sweetest baby, her mom gave me the honor of holding her, I rocked her to sleep in my arms! When she woke up she was ready to continue! Those cheeks!

Newborn Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

The family was moving out of their home in days and I expected chaos in the apartment, but instead I was greeted by a calm and beautiful mom and newborn...siblings arrived after camp. We took advantage of the big white bed and the wonderful window light. Just minutes to work with the baby before he woke up. He was so alert throughout the entire photo shoot at only a mere week old!7W4A0014 7W4A0102 mof mol3