Central Park, After School and After a Cup of Grom. Nina Drapacz Photography

Baby number two, two years old and very serious. The only trick that worked for a fleeting smile was the Dad toss. I photographed this little one in his mom's belly, as a newborn and now a toddler with his handsome older brother. The shoot came after they both consumed Grom strawberry gelato, thank goodness for photoshop! Evidence erased!

Outdoor Winter Photography...its not too cold! Nina Drapacz Photography

Its been seasonally warm this winter, so far. This family reunion was after Christmas and the weather was perfect for this Harlem outdoor photoshoot! The family was so much fun, some visiting from Australia. Laden with multi outfit changes for the cousins and tons of interchangeable bright hats, we were set for the fun! 

New York City Summer Portraits, Always a Fun Experience! Nina Drapacz Photography

She came with a fresh mani pedi, orange no less! Not a hair out of place even after lots of running and jumping! What a great session with lots child photographer collaboration.