Bris Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

Some beautiful moments captured at this Bris, which is almost always a very emotional event for the parents. This baby is surrounded by so much love from his parents, grandparents and big sister. Luckily the mohel was fast and the baby stopped crying as soon as his diaper was secured. Whew!

Copy of Bris Photography New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

I met this family on the day of their baby’s bris. It was a perfect intimate setting in the party room of one grandma’s apartment building. The baby didn’t cry which made everyone so much more comfortable! Whew! Mom eagerly took a sip of the ceremonial wine following the procedure…

A Baptism in Greenwich Village with Relatives from Around the World. Nina Drapacz Photography

The mom had found me from a recommendation on Facebook. When I arrived early at the Church of St. Josepth in Greenwich Village I met the baby's grandfather. He told me the guests were arriving from around the world that day for this special ceremony. One daughter was arriving from Australia, he and his wife came in from India, another daughter from London, relatives from the mom's side were coming from San Francisco etc. 

Needless to say the pressure was on to document this special event in the baby's life surrounded by tons of loving relatives. 

Ten Going on Fifteen Fashion Shoot Birthday Celebration. Nina Drapacz Photography

When did 10 become the new 15? I came to photograph this small gathering of cousins celebrating a tenth birthday. The goal was fashion images of each girl. We started inside but we ended up outdoors - mid February and the birthday girl had on shorts! We were all surprised by the unusual weather that afternoon but no one was disappointed. Plenty of great backdrops.

Some of the Last Beach Photographs, Watermill, NY. Nina Drapacz Photography

The sun was still this bright at 6:30, and incredibly golden orange. The girls, who have been among my favorite subjects for years, were really excited to be photographed! The combination made this early evening session magical!

Communion at the Boathouse in Central Park. Nina Drapacz Photography

Many years ago I photographed Bridgette and her classmates at her nursery school. A year later her mom contacted me to do communion portraits of her eldest daughter. The bright red tulips on Park Ave were in full bloom, creating the perfect backdrop. A few years later I was contacted to photograph Bridget for her communion. The tulips were wilted but the Loeb Boathouse Lakeside was another ideal setting! Water, some boats even a turtle appeared in the water! Yes, found some red flowers to match her sister's portraits as well! The last image is Bridgette on her sister's communion day.

Probably getting close to the last of the color, Fall Photography. Nina Drapacz

Some solace by weeks end. With all the shock of the week, it was comforting to experience nature in NYC as its finest. 

Early Winter Photography NYC by Nina Drapacz

Its hard to remember that we had 60 degree days in late December. Brrr.... I had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful family a week before Christmas. Such a relaxed and fun photo shoot, we took pictures until it was dark!kind kind2 kind

Fall Photography Session. Cold but not too cold! Nina Drapacz Photography

As much as I love the changing colors of the leaves, I do love warmer weather while photographing. The children however, enjoy being active outside with no regard to the temperature. These beautiful children had a blast! zey,zey zey2 zey3 zey

Fun Fall Photography by Nina Drapacz

I love seeing the dynamics of siblings. These two brothers were great! Whatever and however silly the older brother was being the little one, just three, tried to emulate even if it meant climbing to the highest rock!leon leon2 leon Leon2 leon4 leon5 leon6

Beach Photography in Bridgehampton by Nina Drapacz Photography

It was "Family Night" at the Bridgehampton Tennis and Surf Club. I was lucky to photograph a bunch of families on the beach in gorgeous warm lightschw schw2


schw2...these were cousins

Park Photo Shoot in New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

My favorite park, Carl Schurz, has so many wonderful backdrops for children, families and head shots. A few changes of clothes and several choice backgrounds can shel shel1 shel3provide a wide variety of images from a  single photo session.

Outdoor Children's Photography in New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

Its summertime is a great time for late afternoon portraits. The sun is low and beautifully soft between 5 and 6pm. Children always have fun on my photo shoots!moli moli2 moli

Communion with Celebration at Gramercy Park Hotel by Nina Drapacz Photography

This beautiful girl really enjoyed her communion celebration after the ceremony! Gorgeous!lop lop2 lop3 lop4 lop5 lop6

Bridgehampton next weekend! Hampton Portraits by Nina Drapacz Photography

Out to the Hamptons next weekend, so excited to see the families I photograph each summer and sundeng8eng9kag2schr5L3all the new families I have yet to meet!

New York City Cherry Blossoms Have Popped! Mini Sessions by Nina Drapacz Photography

The cherry blossoms are here after a VERY long winter. They last about 10 days so hurry and book a half hour mini session soon. This gorgeous boy was thrilled to shed his coat and explore! He was a dream to photograph!lee lee5 lee3 lee7 lee2 lee lee8 lee4

Identical Twins by Nina Drapacz Photography

I have been photographing children and adults for over 23 years and have photographed quite a number of twins of all ages. Identical twins arecough2 cough cough3 rare. There is a different twin bond with identical twins, almost like they know what each other is thinking. It phenomenal!

South Hampton Family Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

Its still FREEZING! I am more than ready for a wonderful summer in the Hamptons photographing tons of gorgeous families! Kudos to this family for encouraging me to show my creative side. Such a fun photo shoot!7W4A02077W4A0428 7W4A02438x10 copy 7W4A022011x14 copy

Bar Mitzvah Photography at Temple Emanu-El of New York by Nina Drapacz Photography

TRIEDtried4tried2tried3tried6I arrived at the home of this lovely family for portraits before the ceremony. Two years earlier I photographed their oldest daughter for her Bat Mitzvah. I suggested photographing the actual service which wasn't an option for their daughter and they agreed if the temple agreed. Surprising to the family private services were allowed to be photographed. What a gorgeous synagogue, what a gorgeous family!