Newborn Baby with her Sister. Nina Drapacz Photography

She wasn’t actually a newborn, but one month old. Mom said she sleeps during the day and is up at night so we planned on getting the newborn look. That day she did not sleep much but the session was wonderful! It was actaully great timing with her older 2 year old sister as she was not as overwhelmed with the new baby as she was when the baby first came home. I love these sweet captures!

Born at 3 lbs, this Gorgeous 5 month old had her First Photo Shoot! Nina Drapacz Photography

Her mom reached out for a photography session expressing she waited until now because she was born premature. She arrived with mom a few days ago on a beautiful early evening in her comfortable snuggly. She hadn't been outdoors for more than a few hours at a time so this was new for her. She was the sweetest baby, her mom gave me the honor of holding her, I rocked her to sleep in my arms! When she woke up she was ready to continue! Those cheeks!

House Call and More Newborn Images....Nina Drapacz Photography

I found a few more favorites from this newborn session as I was meeting with the mom to go through the images together. House calls are an integral part of the process. When I post galleries of over 300 images to choose from its much easier to narrow down the best when I swing by with my laptop loaded with Adobe Photoshop. This program allows us to place similar images side by side to compare details as well as toggle back and forth in Camera Raw with a magnification tool to see minute family2 7W4A0324 newborn3 siblingsO

Early Winter Photography NYC by Nina Drapacz

Its hard to remember that we had 60 degree days in late December. Brrr.... I had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful family a week before Christmas. Such a relaxed and fun photo shoot, we took pictures until it was dark!kind kind2 kind

Two boys, Fall Photography 2015. Nina Drapacz Photography

The older brother was cold, the baby wasn't. Fall fun photo shoot at Carl Schurz Park again!boys boysoutside

Brilliant Red Hair and Late Light, A True Match. Fine Art Photography by Nina Drapacz

The marriage of the perfect subject and the perfect setting can be magical! This was a wonderful collaboration between subject and artist. Its marks the beginning of my forage back into my roots as a fine art photographer.7W4A0024S 7W4A0021S7W4A0108S





Outdoor Children's Photography in New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

Its summertime is a great time for late afternoon portraits. The sun is low and beautifully soft between 5 and 6pm. Children always have fun on my photo shoots!moli moli2 moli

Communion with Celebration at Gramercy Park Hotel by Nina Drapacz Photography

This beautiful girl really enjoyed her communion celebration after the ceremony! Gorgeous!lop lop2 lop3 lop4 lop5 lop6

Bridgehampton next weekend! Hampton Portraits by Nina Drapacz Photography

Out to the Hamptons next weekend, so excited to see the families I photograph each summer and sundeng8eng9kag2schr5L3all the new families I have yet to meet!

Siblings and a Outdoor Space in a NYC Apartment Building by Nina Drapacz Photography

lowen lowne4 lowen3The LAST warm day this winter! I was able to squeeze this shoot in in December. It was over 60 degrees! It started out rough, light was fading and big brother wasn't thrilled sharing the spotlight with his baby brother. With lots of patience and persistence, a success!

Twin Photography in the Studio by Nina Drapacz Photography

This family won my services from a school donation. The mom is well known in the media world and needed head shots for these beautiful babies. I was thrilled to meet them at the door! Gorgeous little 3 month twins! I love the black velvet for photographing babies, its so dramatic and the subjects really pop! hilltwinshill3hill

Newborn Indoor Photography in New York City by Nina Drapacz

As I was listening to a grandmother's anticipation of the impending birth of her first grandchild, in comes her neighbor with a gorgeous newborn girl -what a beautiful little baby! I had just my phone on me, no business cards I thought but luckily I had one card tucked inside my phone case and viola- newborn baby

gart2 gart4 cart I had the opportunity to photograph this little gem the next day! She slept for just a few minutes, but enough time to capture exactly what her parents and I wanted!

I love photographing babies and children who live in the same building- so easy to commute to work!

Newborn Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

The family was moving out of their home in days and I expected chaos in the apartment, but instead I was greeted by a calm and beautiful mom and newborn...siblings arrived after camp. We took advantage of the big white bed and the wonderful window light. Just minutes to work with the baby before he woke up. He was so alert throughout the entire photo shoot at only a mere week old!7W4A0014 7W4A0102 mof mol3

Sibling Photo Shoot in NYC Park by Nina Drapacz Photography

Sisters! Two little beauties met me at Carl Schurz with their wonderful parents. I love the light between 5-6pm. Its low and soft.7W4A00397W4A0059 copy7W4A0187 copy