Fall Photoshoot with Active Twin Brothers. Nina Drapacz Photography

I began photographing these two when they were just 2 years old and now they are applying to schools for kindergarten! They had a great time so I kept going to almost 6:45 when the sun was setting! Lolly pops of course, were my specail treats for them and function well as an "incentive".

What Happened to Spring? Portraits with Tulips on a Nice Day in NYC by Nina Drapacz

It felt like an August day this past Saturday! Lucky as its cold again and this gorgeous little toddler had to wear this fab dress sans sweater! A late walker, the mom contacted me as soon as she started to set up a shoot with her brother, whom you may recognize in many of my galleries...

Her brother chose a beautiful dandelion for his mom, and one for his sister. He enjoyed her reaction.

Two boys, Fall Photography 2015. Nina Drapacz Photography

The older brother was cold, the baby wasn't. Fall fun photo shoot at Carl Schurz Park again!boys boysoutside

Fall Photography with an Amazing Girl. Nina Drapacz Photography

She and her mom came with a small suitcase of clothing- all perfect choices! She was such a delight. She was excited to be photographed, which is a gift to a photographer. Her energetic fun personality allowed me to capture wonderful moments throughout the entire shoot.dan7 dan8 dan dan2 dan3 dan4 dan6

Fall Photography Session. Cold but not too cold! Nina Drapacz Photography

As much as I love the changing colors of the leaves, I do love warmer weather while photographing. The children however, enjoy being active outside with no regard to the temperature. These beautiful children had a blast! zey,zey zey2 zey3 zey

Park Photo Shoot in New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

My favorite park, Carl Schurz, has so many wonderful backdrops for children, families and head shots. A few changes of clothes and several choice backgrounds can shel shel1 shel3provide a wide variety of images from a  single photo session.