Hamptons by Nina Drapacz

I met these amazing children at the Bridgehampton Surf and Tennis Club many years ago. They live in another state but like to be in the Hamptons with their family each summer. The goal was to capture these two with their 3 cousins. Here are a few of my favs from this session.

Home AND Beach Photography in the Hamptons. Nina Drapacz Photography

Two locations for the cost of one! We started at home to get the initial images pre wind, humidity and lolly pop bribes materializing too soon… I was almost sure the beach would’nt work, it was also dinner time, but we were all pleasantly surprised! The very last image was from two years ago.

Hamptons in September. Nina Drapacz Photography

When I arrived, this gorgeous girl was watching her father and brother playing basketball. She was dressed to go and they ran into the house to change. I met this the family when the kids went to Bridgehampton Tennis and Surf Club Camp a few years back and they all keep getting more beautiful each year.

The Hampton Toss! Family Photography in the Hamptons! Nina Drapacz Photography

Freezing the moment is what good photography is all about. Here are various kinds of tosses mastered by this Dad. 

End of Summer Beach Shoots. Nina Drapacz Photography

I recommend squeezing the last drops of golden light available when it comes to beach shoots. This family started inside and when we got to the beach, just steps away, we had about 10 minutes. This being said, once the sun set, there was a lovely soft dusk that set in, shadowless and wonderful!

These images show how much fun these sibs were having!

Write here...

Fall Photography Session. Cold but not too cold! Nina Drapacz Photography

As much as I love the changing colors of the leaves, I do love warmer weather while photographing. The children however, enjoy being active outside with no regard to the temperature. These beautiful children had a blast! zey,zey zey2 zey3 zey

End of the Summer Hamptons Shoot by Nina Drapacz Photography

Last week of August and the last minutes of warm glowing sunlight..tweens are the best! They love to be photographed!  This young grandmother was a lovely lively addition to this perfect photo shoot!git git2 git3 git

Fun Fall Photography by Nina Drapacz

I love seeing the dynamics of siblings. These two brothers were great! Whatever and however silly the older brother was being the little one, just three, tried to emulate even if it meant climbing to the highest rock!leon leon2 leon Leon2 leon4 leon5 leon6

Dreaming of Summer Again. Bridgehampton by Nina Drapacz

I first photographed these sisters at the BSTC camp the previous year. I had the special privilege of photographing them this summer on their own turf. Loved the woodsy setting!schiff schif schiff schiff2schiff3

Brilliant Red Hair and Late Light, A True Match. Fine Art Photography by Nina Drapacz

The marriage of the perfect subject and the perfect setting can be magical! This was a wonderful collaboration between subject and artist. Its marks the beginning of my forage back into my roots as a fine art photographer.7W4A0024S 7W4A0021S7W4A0108S





Bridgehampton next weekend! Hampton Portraits by Nina Drapacz Photography

Out to the Hamptons next weekend, so excited to see the families I photograph each summer and sundeng8eng9kag2schr5L3all the new families I have yet to meet!

Photo Shoots on Location in NYC by Nina Drapacz Photography

I photographed this family both inside and outside. Both have different advantages. Outdoors the scenery is beautiful and placing children and families in nature can be creative depending on location and sunlight. Indoors offers a level of comfort. Children  are familiar with their surroundings and moms can change their clothing easily during the course if the session. Their is also the wonderful natural window light that can light up a face so softly...mul mul mul2 mul3

Tween Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

hoch 7W4A0273blu helf hoch kag3 sev3kag2 seigel2 weitzTweens are the years right before teens, so about 9 to 12 years. Its a time in a child life that marks the last of the innocence and the impatience to independence. Many of the tweens I photograph are children I had been photographing since they were babies. I had the pleasure of seeing them grow up which is special.

Beautiful Sisters in Watermill, NY by Nina Drapacz Photography

It was the perfect time of day when the sun is low and golden. Two gorgeous girls who I have photographedend14 eng1 eng4 eng8 eng10 eng12 eng15 eng eng6 eng9 eng3 for a few years greeting me at the door, the rest is history! A fun photo shoot for the girls, the parents and me! I had a hard time choosing my favorites for this blog - I don't know how their parents will choose the images for their holiday and wall!