Corporate Portraits in the Studio and Outdoors. Nina Drapacz Photography

I have been photographing this mom and her family for 7 years. She was changing jobs and needed a headshot. I suggested we try indoor and outdoor for two different looks. She chose these two images. They show confidence and strength.

Personal Branding, Corporate and or Social Media Portraits... Nina Drapacz Photography

Image is everything so don't settle for anything less than perfection! A very fortuitous beginning, this strong ambitious woman was on my bus to Washington DC to march. As a successful business woman she expressed a need for a new portrait for LinkedIn as the current one was a random phone image. 

She arrived prepared with several changes for a variety of looks upon my recommendation. Nervous at first, the strongest images were midway to end. We stopped frequently to go over images and tweak expressions until she found exactly what she wanted to portray for her competitive goals.

After the shoot I uploaded the images, over 500, and we whittled them down to the best- 72! We made three categories with these chosen images, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media and lastly, a sweet one for mom! She came in for a single perfect image and left with 6 for all different purposes, success!

Corporate Portraits for Business Websites. Nina Drapacz Photography

Websites images are so crucial for all kinds of businesses. From photography to hedge funds. Strong portraits speak volumes. Consistent images make the website streamline and current. The investment in professional photographs is well worth it.  north2eandy IMG_0405ey blog2 north

Siblings Enjoying a Sunny Day Upper East Side NYC by NIna Drapacz Photography

The first child arrived with his Mom and loved to be photographed and especially enjoyed my jokes! About 20 minutes later this handsome boy's toddler sister comes with Dad, a complete clone of him! She was eager7W4A0006 7W4A0167 7W4A0086 7W4A0162 7W4A01637W4A0099 to get out of her stroller and go, go go!