Newborn Baby with her Sister. Nina Drapacz Photography

She wasn’t actually a newborn, but one month old. Mom said she sleeps during the day and is up at night so we planned on getting the newborn look. That day she did not sleep much but the session was wonderful! It was actaully great timing with her older 2 year old sister as she was not as overwhelmed with the new baby as she was when the baby first came home. I love these sweet captures!

Newborn Session at Home. Nina Drapacz Photography

When I came into the family’s home, her parent’s were trying everything they could to get this big sister to wear something that wasn’t the gift for her newborn brother she had put on right before I arrived. Somehow she squeezed into an outfit their nanny had just brought for the new baby. Nothing could be done at this point to persude her to change so we went with it…trucks and all.

The images from that morning are truly fun and interactive. Posing wasn’t an option and much to my delight, not desired. When a family wants me to capture their dynamic, the photographs become part of their personal narrative and more creative which is not only a gift for them but a gift for me as a photographer.

Socially Distant Newborn Session in Central Park. Nina Drapacz Photography

Two years ago I photographed this newborn’s older brother in his home. The parents had given birth mid pandemic so the same indoor session was not safe with their second son. They met me with their toddler and two week old baby at the entrance to the park. The entire session was in the cool shade. We able to get his older brother to hold his little hand… apparently a first!

Staple Street Location Shoot by Nina Drapacz Photography

It was a hot August day with an amazing family I have had the privilege of photographing since the girls were babies! The heat made it hard for everyone including the photographer. Eventually “we” all began to relax and enjoy this session, which shows in the images. Love the mom and older daughter too deep in conversation to notice dad and the younger one jumping off the ledge…

Fresh 48 in Hospital Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

Fresh 48 is a series of images artistically captured just 24 - 48 hours after the trauma of birth. Parents and siblings are at their most vulnerable. It’s an honor to be able to be there to bear witness to these precious moments. I find myself comforting and reassuring parents and easing some siblings into acceptance.

Home AND Beach Photography in the Hamptons. Nina Drapacz Photography

Two locations for the cost of one! We started at home to get the initial images pre wind, humidity and lolly pop bribes materializing too soon… I was almost sure the beach would’nt work, it was also dinner time, but we were all pleasantly surprised! The very last image was from two years ago.

The Fourth and Final. Under 48 hours by Nina Drapacz Photography

His name is Fin, French for end! A beautiful boy and the fourth child, his siblings couldn't wait to handle him! Using the gorgeous private room, I set up a studio meant for one but stretched to encompass 4 plus parents....

Mom was prepared more than for the others at their birth. She brought the most awesome baby wrap which included a large blue bow to tie around him like a little bundle of joy!

Never Too Cold for Holiday Portraits...When They are Inside! Nina Drapacz Photography

Parks aren't always the best when it comes to holiday portraits, apartments are way to go when its freezing outside! Of the five plus years I have photographed this family, the two apartment sessions were the best! No trees to climb, no expansive places to run and best of all, controlled lighting!

The Metropolitan Museum makes a Perfect Backdrop for these Brothers! Nina Drapacz Photography

When the mom asked to meet her in front of Central Park, we were losing light. We had 15 minutes to take photographs before the light was gone. Hence we didn't have a chance to go behind the museum, but in fact made a great discovery on this crowded late afternoon! What better a backdrop for the perfect holiday card, two happy boys and an iconic fountain!boysLowen jake jake2

Newborn Photography at Home and Cozy. Nina Drapacz Photography

The look of joy on a mom's face as she looks at her new baby and look of curiously on a toddler's face when he observes his new baby sister . We were able to capture lots of winning images, although we couldn't replicate the one of her brother on a black reflective table sleeping. She was awake the entire session as well as an additional session!! newborn newborn newbornbaby siblings siblings2

Beach Photography in Bridgehampton by Nina Drapacz Photography

It was "Family Night" at the Bridgehampton Tennis and Surf Club. I was lucky to photograph a bunch of families on the beach in gorgeous warm lightschw schw2


schw2...these were cousins

Headshots for Websites New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

I photograph this gorgeous family each summer. The mom is a nutritionalist who is launching her own business and needed some head shots and some images that relate to her business for the website. I couldn't resist photographing the beautiful girls while I was there. Her apartment had such wonderful window light!7W4A0055retmet met2 met3 met4 met5 met6 met7

South Hampton Family Photography by Nina Drapacz Photography

Its still FREEZING! I am more than ready for a wonderful summer in the Hamptons photographing tons of gorgeous families! Kudos to this family for encouraging me to show my creative side. Such a fun photo shoot!7W4A02077W4A0428 7W4A02438x10 copy 7W4A022011x14 copy

Winter Photography in NYC by Nina Drapacz Photography

It was freezing and raining and all I had was a camera and reflector as this photo session was scheduled for outdoors in Carl Schurz Park. The light was falling but somehow I was able to capture this beautiful family on their dining room table, the window behind me in natural window light mixed with indoor ambient light. seal seal seal

Siblings and a Outdoor Space in a NYC Apartment Building by Nina Drapacz Photography

lowen lowne4 lowen3The LAST warm day this winter! I was able to squeeze this shoot in in December. It was over 60 degrees! It started out rough, light was fading and big brother wasn't thrilled sharing the spotlight with his baby brother. With lots of patience and persistence, a success!

One Warm Winter Day New York City by Nina Drapacz Photography

Until now we have had quite warm weather for December. It made a huge difference to lots of families who waited to book their photo sessions until late in the season. The combination of unseasonably warm weather and online card companies quick card's turn around made this season's families very happy!ser ser2 ser3 ser4

Photo Shoots on Location in NYC by Nina Drapacz Photography

I photographed this family both inside and outside. Both have different advantages. Outdoors the scenery is beautiful and placing children and families in nature can be creative depending on location and sunlight. Indoors offers a level of comfort. Children  are familiar with their surroundings and moms can change their clothing easily during the course if the session. Their is also the wonderful natural window light that can light up a face so softly...mul mul mul2 mul3